Journée du parfum 2017

By: Alain FERRO | 10 Apr 2017

Quand bien même l’article de Nice Matin n’y fait pas référence et écorche au passage les noms et titres de notre cher Président, Philippe Massé,…

About the Fragrance Summer Schools

By: Alain FERRO | 27 Mar 2017

Dear customers, We receive many complaints because all the 2017 sessions of the Fragrance Summer Schools are complete. We would like to inform you that…

Practical analysis of flavor and fragrance materials

By: Alain FERRO | 21 Mar 2017

Modern flavors and fragrances are complex formulated products containing blends of aroma compounds with auxiliary materials, enabling desirable flavors or fragrances to be added to…


By: Alain FERRO | 15 Mar 2017

La 19ème JOURNÉE DU PARFUM (et le CONCOURS DE NEZ) se déroulera le Dimanche 9 avril 2017 au Palais des Congrès de Grasse. Veuillez trouver ci-joint le dossier…

Natural Fragrances and Cosmetics (May) – 2

By: Alain FERRO | 1 Feb 2017

Please notice that the session from May 9 to 19, 2017  of the Natural Fragrances and Cosmetics is now complete. There are still free places for the September session. Regards The…

Welcome to the Givaudan promotion of the GIP

By: Alain FERRO | 30 Jan 2017

The new promotion of the GIP, sponsored by the company Givaudan, joined the premises of the school on January 16, 2017. Welcome to Shubhika, Krishna…